If anyone knows about the status of insecurity at Sydney Airport, and about the systemic corruption and drug trafficking that was, and no doubt still is, prevalent at that airport, it is Allan Kessing.
In this exclusive interview, Allan Kessing explains all, including the commercial interests and the political imperatives, the corruption throughout the airport, Keelty's false statements prior to the verdict, Schapelle Corby's innocence, the reaction of other customs officers who also knew she was innocent, and the underlying motives.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Government Attempts To Shut Down Expendable Project Website
It has come to the attention of The Expendable Project team that, since it began reporting on the 15th September, the website has been visited, regularly, by nearly every government department and agency. Additionally, the AFP have been ripping the site illegally, looking for security vulnerabilities, and thus a way to shut it down. They would not be doing this if the site was reporting bogus material.
Added to this, there is TOTAL media silence on the revelations being reported on this website, revelations that are clearly explosive and constitute a MAJOR Australian story. If Schapelle Corby looks a bit tubby in the tummy, it is headline news that she may be pregnant (not true), but on these shocking revelations; NOTHING!
For details, see this report.
Schapelle Corby Had NO Motive To Import Marijuana Into Bali
Schapelle Corby had absolutely NO motive to import marijuana into Bali, as this report from The Expendable Project website clearly shows.
It is worth noting that the information contained in this report has never been mentioned by Australia's media, who's agenda over the last few years has been to make Schapelle appear guilty, even though this notion is clearly absurd.
It is worth noting that the information contained in this report has never been mentioned by Australia's media, who's agenda over the last few years has been to make Schapelle appear guilty, even though this notion is clearly absurd.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Expendable - The Transit Report
The first report on 'The Expendable Project' website is now available.
To see this report, check out this link.
I thoroughly recommend that everyone see this report. It will change, forever, the way you view the Schapelle Corby case, and it is only the first of many such promised reports, as well as an eventual full length documentary film.
To see this report, check out this link.
I thoroughly recommend that everyone see this report. It will change, forever, the way you view the Schapelle Corby case, and it is only the first of many such promised reports, as well as an eventual full length documentary film.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
New Campaign To Free Schapelle Corby

We have just seen on the news that Schapelle Corby recently overdosed on her prescription medicine, see this news item.
Despite what was said, we believe this was a suicide attempt. Even if it was not, had there been more medicine in the cabinet, Schapelle could well have died anyway. There is little doubt that she would have taken it all, regardless of the quantity.
This news broadcast marked the start of a new campaign to Free Schapelle. The Indonesian President's decision on Schapelle's clemency application appears to be, "not to make a decision". With Schapelle now potentially suicidal, we can wait no longer.
So, a campaign has been launched, to show Australia and the rest of the world, that Schapelle is an innocent victim, who was sacrificed by her own government for political and commercial expediency. These people knew Schapelle was innocent, yet they chose to support the perpetrators of the crime, rather than the victim. Schapelle is the daughter of a working class family. She was, and is, classed as a ‘nobody,’ not a member of the establishment, and therefore "Expendable".
The campaign is designed to put intense pressure on the Gillard Government to negotiate Schapelle's immediate release on humanitarian grounds.
Schapelle's trial was a sick joke, and the 20 year sentence she received was a political sentence, not a punitive one. However, the campaign does not target Indonesia, it targets Australia. When the Indonesian President sees what has happened here, he will have a number of reasons to let Schapelle go free, without losing face, which we know is all important to him.
To see details of the campaign, and to follow its progress as it rolls out, please visit and follow this website.
In order to help Schapelle, I ask that you tell all your friends, family and co-workers about this campaign, and ask them to do the same. Pass on the website link ( http://www.expendable.tv/ ).
The truth will set Schapelle free, and the more people who know the truth, the faster this will happen.
Thank you very much for your interest and your help.
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